Keeping Your Aura Clean and Healthy

After being introduced to someone, have you every just known you didn’t want to continue a conversation with them? It may have been something they said, or maybe they had bad breath, or perhaps something was “off” about their energy? You weren’t ‘vibing’ with them, or maybe you felt they were going to bring you down.

You don’t want to be that person, right?

While we can get a lot of information about keeping our physical, mental, and emotional selves healthy, ways to keep our energy body healthy and clean might be more difficult to find and sort through.

Your energy body has a working aura, which is like a bubble that surrounds you. It is between 3 to 9 feet in diameter. You skin holds in your organs, and your aura acts as a similar barrier as it holds in your other energetic systems, such as your chakra, magnetic, etheric, etc…. Your aura also has 7 layers to it, which each have a different function. There is a lot going on that we don’t always realize!

You can damage your energetic systems by having poor eating habits, hot caffeine (thank goodness cold brew is ok), and processed foods. Lack of sleep and regular exercise, negativity and negative emotions, such as anger, frustration, grief, sadness, depression, and anxiety, all weaken your aura. Pollution, chemicals, and addictions to alcohol, cigarettes, vaping, and drugs, (prescription and street drugs, and interestingly marijuana causes the most irreparable damage) are usually the worst.

Sounds depressing, doesn’t it? And while we do our best to be healthy and minimize the negative influences on our aura, sometimes we don’t have much choice. Perhaps we live in a high pollution area, or have a chronic illness or pain which needs strong medication, and so the goal is to choose wisely and keep yourself in balance. You know that if you have an important day coming up, you’re not going to drink alcohol to excess, right? Also, if your medication allows you to get out of bed in the morning, it is more important to take it than to be immobile.

There is a LOT you can do to support your aura, keep it healthy, and outweigh the damage to stay in balance!

  • Live a healthy lifestyle, with gratitude and purpose.
  • Get proper sleep, eat healthy, and exercise regularly.
  • Spend time in nature, swim in lakes and oceans, and hug a tree.
  • Take a salt bath (use Himalayan, sea, or Epsom), and you can add essential oils to your bath, or you can also diffuse them into the air. Make sure they are of a good quality, find someone knowledgeable who sells them, and there are many great oil tips in this magazine every month!
  • Do you like crystals? Place them around your house, or carry them with you. Selenite, Amethyst, and Rose Quartz are always good choices.
  • Learn proper breathing, chi exercises, and meditate.
  • Use music to uplift your mood to keep you positive. Did you know certain songs and sounds (tuning forks, bowls, toning, etc…) can actually clear negativity? Did you know that singing the Sound of Music’s “do, re, mi…” will open and balance your chakras.
  • Smudge your room and also yourself (it’s sometimes easier if someone else does it for you). Use white sage, Palo Santo, or other natural leaves, petals, resins, or wood.
  • Say mantras and prayers. Some of us of a certain age here in Canada have the Lord’s Prayer memorized because we recited it every morning in school. It, and the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum”, are super powerful and can shift and clear your energy.
  • Get regular energy healings and aura healings, just like our physical bodies, our energy body and aura need maintenance too. Find a reputable practitioner or energy healing.

You get your car cleaned regularly, so why not make sure your aura is clean as well. When you have this awareness and begin implementing these suggestions, you’ll feel better. You may even have less physical pain and discomfort, and feel more peaceful and calmer.

People are attracted to vibrant energy and your relationships with friends, family, partners, or clients, will require less effort, and you may even get more promotions and opportunities.

Having a cleaner and clearer energy field will enable you to see more options to your issues and problems. As well, you’ll begin to have more energy to do daily tasks, and also for your passion projects and hobbies. I invite you to take a look at your poor habits and realistically make an effort to change them, and also choose which recommendations are doable and begin implementing them in your life.

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