Connect With An Imaginary Healer

So how do we compensate or cope in our isolation? Maybe we feel an even deeper connection to spirit and nature. Maybe we feel a really strong need to hug a tree, feel the sun on our face, or see a bird. And when we do, it’s the highlight of the day. Maybe we even feel this in our bodies?

Changing Your Beliefs

All of your personal, subconscious beliefs are malleable, they can be changed. No belief is too big or too small, too grand nor too insignificant to be changed. The preliminary step to changing your beliefs is knowing that it is indeed possible to do so, and you can do so consciously and purposefully! If you don’t trust they can be changed, at least be willing and open. If you already trust you can change your beliefs; great, you are ready to put in some work.

Weave your Own Web

I was on a meditation call the other day and the topic was unconditional love. Someone in the chat wrote, “I want to love spiders.” So it got me thinking about my relationship with spiders, my almost lifelong fear of them, until “she” became a power animal for me. How can I fear someone who is here to help me?

How a Vision Board Opens Your Life to New Possibilities

I felt pretty skeptical about making my first Vision Board. I faithfully journal but, I knew a Vision Board exposed my dreams and desires. Did I want other people to see that? I wasn’t sure.

Don’t Reduce your Dreams to Fit your Reality Now

I'll bet you have a dream. Maybe even more than one. And if you don't have any right now, I'll bet it's because somewhere along the way, you had some that never came true.

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