Are You Holding Diamonds In Your Hands?

Do you know who the wealthiest people in the California and Alaskan Gold Rush days were? They were the women who set up laundries, bake shops, and boarding houses! Their wealth wasn’t as dramatic as a gold strike, but it was sustaining. They didn’t have a degree in “laundryology” or “biscuitry”. They found a need for what they knew how to do and did it!

How a Vision Board Opens Your Life to New Possibilities

I felt pretty skeptical about making my first Vision Board. I faithfully journal but, I knew a Vision Board exposed my dreams and desires. Did I want other people to see that? I wasn’t sure.

Connecting to the Unseen Magic of IMAGINATION

You’ve heard it said that the “best things in life are free”. Living in a world focused on materialism leaves out one of the richest experiences we can have. Here is how a teacher opened the door that changed my life. She led me to understand how the arts are a portal to a world of imagination, healing, and life’s purpose.

Hands Are For GIVING

“I began to think of the enjoyment I get from sharing my favorite things. I have a passion for rings. A pretty ring lifts my heart!  I felt an inner voice say, “Mary, order the rings to give away and I’ll help your body heal through the joy of giving.”

Thoughts Become Things

I saw a good life on the screen but didn’t have a clue how to get there myself. So, I formed a pattern of thought that just handled what was in front of me, as it came along. And I went back into survival mode. Life plodded along.

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