You are present on our beautiful Earth at one of the most momentous times our human family has ever experienced. There is a massive acceleration in consciousness. We are growing and evolving at increasing intensity. And all of this is being accompanied by just as massive chaos.

Keeping Your Aura Clean and Healthy

There is a LOT you can do to support your aura, keep it healthy, and outweigh the damage to stay in balance!

Miracles in Action

If we look at what happens during the act of a miracle, it results in survival and the maintaining of life. With regards to our body’s internal operating system, its function is to keep the body alive. When people are rescued from dangerous situations this in turn saves their lives, allowing them to live on. When it comes to our emotional and mental states, we can see the continued drive forward moving us further along our soul’s journey. We could deduce that miracles not only allow life to continue, but perhaps they initiate the ability to shift and change the people affected by them as well.

The Healing Energy of Crystals

Did you know that crystals are the most simple yet the most stable forms of matter in the universe?

Soul Agreements

I feel there are incredible events lining up in my life at this moment that both scare me and excite me - karmic agreements and contracts that I have undertaken to fulfill in this specific lifetime. Perhaps you are nodding your head now, you too are feeling something similar in your own lifetime?

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