Even if you have no business experience there are ways to promote yourself and your books.

Coffee and Conversation | Panelist Protocol

Today my guest is author, Mandy Eve-Barnett, and we are talking about Panelist Protocol. Have you been invited to sit on a panel? Mandy offers some insight and do's and don'ts for the new panelist.

How to Create a Great Author Newsletter

We have all seen, read or subscribed to another author’s newsletter in one form or another. When making the decision to create our own there are a few decisions to make first.

8 Tips for Submitting to Writing Contests

One way to get your writing noticed is to have short stories or poems published in a writing contest. You may win or be ‘placed’ for your submission and can then utilize your achievement to raise awareness of your writing.

Six Tips for Taming the Story Flood

Too Many Story IDEAS! Many of us experience, from time to time, the dreaded writers block, that awful feeling while staring at a blank page or screen when words do not flow, but what happens when there are too many story ideas bombarding our brains? It can be just as debilitating as staring at that... Continue Reading →

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